The Founder

Hi! My name's John Cal Kelleher, I come from a dairy farm in mid-Cork, and in 2019 we needed a GPS System for spreading fertiliser. At the time, I was finishing a year's residency at the Ignite Business Incubator in University College Cork where I had been working on building an electric fencing monitoring system.

Unfortunately, it didn't work 🤦.

With nothing to do but milk cows twice a day, I decided to start researching what Guidance System would best suit our needs for spreading fertiliser and slurry, spraying and mowing.

Everything out there seemed overly complicated and expensive, so I started wondering if I could build something better than the competition, something that could be as easily used by someone born in the first half of the 20th Century as the 21st.

I thought it would be easier to build than buy (I was wrong), I thought no-one else would want to use one (I was wrong), and I thought by mid-2020 I'd have moved onto a new idea (I was wrong).

Here's to being wrong about everything so far!

Where we’ve come from…

Working from an office building based on a mid-Cork farm, we design, program, make and distribute our own Tractor Guidance Systems.

Because we're not from big farms with massive fields, we don't make our systems do 100 different things.

We build systems to help you do the simple things - reduce overlaps, reduce misses, save you time, and make your life easier.

We make simple guidance systems for normal farmers.

What we’ve done…

There are now over 500 GyPSy Guidance Systems in use in Ireland, Northern Ireland and The Netherlands.

We offer a range of different systems for different jobs, and the quickest backup service if anything goes wrong (everything can be shipped or collected from our mid-Cork office, and you'll always have the phone number of the people who actually made the system, and know it inside out).

We design GyPSy Tractor Guidance Systems.

We program GyPSy Tractor Guidance Systems.

We make GyPSy Tractor Guidance Systems.

We are GyPSy Tractor Guidance Systems.


With many thanks to the team at Ignite for their support and encouragement

With many thanks to the team at Ignite for their support and encouragement